Wednesday, March 18, 2009

First small step...

Hi! This is my first step into the world of personal blogging. They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step and this is the first very small step of my cyber walk - who knows where it will end? Could be good fun!
I created a family history blogging page for SLQ staff (genique) some time back but it died through lack of use. Blogging obviously requires a certain commitment of time and a blog has to have interesting content if you want people to keep coming back and posting comments. I can see how it can be a useful way to keep up to date with friends and family by posting photos and details of what everyone's up to - much quicker and easier than snail-mail. A family history page that clients and staff could use to provide updates on online and other resources that become available is something I would like to see eventually.

1 comment:

  1. Certainly the most interesting About Me blurb I've read. :)
